The attribute of each part below could be changed due to commercial tolerances on dimensions (note that the material will not change). Any design using these attributes must be calculated following AS/NZS4600.
The letter symbols used are following Table 1.4inAS/NZS4600:1996. The value of x for part C is 0. While AS/NZS4600 requires more part attributes, those shown in the table are the only ones that can be obtained without reference to the application-specific.
Bolt holes are drilled at the attachment position to the gusset plate, the overlap position, and the bracing points. For 300 and 350 purlin bellies, centerline holes can be drilled upon request. Then, they can be combined with holes in the gusset plate to create three bolts connected to it. For all of Ngo Long purlins, M12 and M16 bolts are suitable for 18 x 22mm oval holes. Undrilled purlins can be supplied upon request. The hole size, amount of hole, and spacing of holes in the direction are adjusted by agreement for special constructions. However, we will reach these orders about minimum quantity and delivery times."